block customStyle //- HTML5 shim, for IE6-8 support of HTML5 elements. All other JS at the end of file. | --> 灵长科技API管理平台接入方法说明

Smart devices and IoT management solutions

Smart devices: devices + internet. Device manufacturers and software/Internet vendors have to coordinate the work with a standard software interface; the device manufacturer can safely do the hardware, as long as the relevant standard interface is implemented. Software and Internet vendors can access standard interfaces for devices. The specific internal design and implementation of smart device is encrypted without being exposed to API in the device update. As long as the interface consistency is maintained, the software module does not need to be changed, and vice versa.


ApeMesh leverages its core technology, the next generation of service-oriented architecture based on JSON data structure. Through the device abstraction layer, the system encapsulates all service APIs and smart device drivers, and provides a unified API to facilitate client application calling. Based on this unified model, it not only makes the front-end applications to develop a common API call, but also, through the unified interface of devices and services, supports a variety of application scenarios such as IoT smart devices and cloud service interoperable workflow.

Main Function:

IDE with DevOps automation:automatically generates code templates, test tools, and API document; browser-based cloud online development compiler.

Automated discovery, registration and management: Any device and service under the system is packaged in a “driver” format, and the system provides complete service registration and discovery capabilities. Once the "drive" uploads, the system automatically discovers, registers and manages these devices and services.

Automated operation management: one-click upgrades and rolls-back application version without server reboot; convenient functions such as automatic load balance, application code downloads and uploads, and version comparison; Convenient docking applications, devices and services.

User-controlled application management:Web-based online application portal to manage applications and “devices”. Provides classification and search capabilities, user-defined access right, multi-level user authentication and other management features.

World-class eco-system: complete Node.js NPM ecosystem support, users can freely include any of the 650,000+ open source packages in the NPM ecosystem, such as various tool libraries, database drivers, message middleware interfaces, etc. Greatly improves the DevOps productivity.

Customer Success Story:

1. case4 2. case5